Biography Charles Gaudichaud Beaupré
- Born: 1789, Angoulème, France. Died: 1854, Paris, France.
- › (Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors)
- › (Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 1: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Addenda &
Corrigenda) - › (Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement I)
- › (Source: Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 8: Cyclopaedia of collectors, Supplement II)
Since 1810 Dispenser in the Military Marine; undertook the botany department on several French expeditions. Later Professor of Pharmacy.
Connarus gaudichaudi Planch was named after him.
Voyage in ‘L’Uranie’ and ‘La Physicienne’, 1817-20.1 cf. also sub Guichenot, Quoi, Gaimard and Duperrey. Sailing from Toulon (Sept. 17, 1817); via Teneriffe, Rio de Janeiro, the Cape, Île de France, Bourbon; W. Timor (Lesser Sunda Isls) (Oct. 9-22, 1818): the vicinity of Koepang, Namessey (= Namsaen) (15), Koepang River (18) and a hill near the Bay of Babao (20) etc. (cf. also sub Quoi); setting sail (Oct. 23), via P. Ombai (= Alor) (Nov. 2), to Port. Timor: Delhi (= Dilly) (17-22); P. Pisang (Dec. 8) ; Papua Islands: P. Rawak (= Lawak) (Dec. 16, 1818-Jan. 5, 1819), from there visiting P. Boni (Dec. 26-27), Waigeo(u) and P. Manoe(a)ran; Marianas, Carolines, Sandwich Isls, Australia, Malouines (here the ‘Uranie’ ran ashore; proceeded in the ‘Physicienne’) to S. America; back at Hâvre (Nov. 13, 1820).-Voyage in ‘L’Herminie’, 1831-33.2 To S. America; not in the Malaysian region.-Voyage in ‘La Bonite’, 1836-37.3 Leaving Toulon (Febr. 6, 1836) and stopping at Cadiz, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Cape Horn, Valparaiso, Cobija, Callao, Lima, Payta, Guayaquil; Sandwich Isls; Hawaii, Honolulu; Philippines: Luzon, Bay of Mariveles (Dec. 5), Manila (Dec. 7-20), Gaudichaud and Eydoux making a trip to Laguna; Macao; Canton, Macao; Cochinchina; Singapore (Febr. 17-21, 1837), Malacca (Febr. 23-25), and P. Pinang (= Penang) (March 3-7); Calcutta, Pondicherry, Bourbon, Reunion; Cape of Good Hope, St Helena; returning to Brest (Nov. 6, 1837).
Herb. Paris [P]. A large part o f the collections of the Moluccas, Timor and the Mariannes was lost, due to the stranding of the ‘Uranie’ (see above); notwithstanding, more than 4000 nos were brought home.4 From the voyage in the ‘Bonite’ c. 3500 nos and numerous living plants.5 Dupl. in Herb. Decand. (Geneva [G]) (2343, incl. 33 from Malacca, 48 P. Penang, 38 Manila (Luzon), and 37 Singapore plants), Herb. DELESS. (Geneva [G]), Herb. de Franqueville (= Paris [P]), Herb. Montpellier [MPU]: Herb. Vienna [W]; Herb. Leiden [L]; Herb. Kew [K]: 237 nos from Macao, Cochinchina, Malaya (pres. 1886); Herb. Berl. [B] (with Herb. Kunth) from the Philippines and the Moluccas; Herb. Florence [FI]: Philippine plants; Herb. Brussels [BR]: with Herb. Martius; U.S. Nat. Herb. Wash. [US]: 3 nos.
His Timor plants included Lumnitzera lutea (Gaud.) Presl, collected in the Bay of Babao; the species was found back some 15 years ago by Mrs Bouman-Houtman (see there), Fernando Wamprechts Charles Gaudichaud Beaupré personal archive..
(1) ‘Voyage autour du monde entrepris par ordre du Roi, exécuté sur les corvettes de S.M. L’Uranie et La Physicienne pendant les années 1817, 1818, 1819 et 1820’ (Paris 1824-44). ‘Partie Historique et Nautique’ by Freycinet (1825-37, 2 vols + atlas). For Alor and Timor cf. Part. Hist. l.c. 12, p. 488-721 and for the Papua Islands cf. l.c. 21, p. 20-64.
J. Arago: ‘Promenade autour du monde, pendant les années 1817-1820, sur les corvettes du Roi L’Uranie et La Physicienne, commandées par M. Freycinet (Paris 1822, 2 vols). The author was the draughtsman of the expedition.
For botanical drawings of the voyage of ‘L’Uranie et La Physicienne’ see Cl. Nissen, ‘Die botanische Buchillustration’ 1951, vol. 2, p. 65.
(2) cf. Lasègue, Mus. Bot. Deless., 1845, p. 81 and ‘Vitae itineraque etc.’ in Martius, Flor. Brasil. 1, pars 1.
(3) ‘Instructions relatives au voyage circumnavigation de La Bonite’ (Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 23 Nov. 1835).
cf. Flora 191, 1836, p. 62-64.
‘Voyage autour du monde exécuté pendant les années 1836 et 1837 sur la corvette La Bonite, commandée par M. Vaillant, publié par ordre du Roi’ (Paris 1840-66, 15 vols + 4 atlases). ‘Relation du voyage’ par A. de la Salle (1845-52, 3 vols).
For botanical drawings of the voyage of ‘La Bonite’ see Cl. Nissen, ‘Die botanische Buchillustration’ 1951, vol. 2, p. 65-66.
(4) cf. Lasègue, Mus. Bot. Deless., p. 79-80. C. Gaudichaud: ‘Description de quelques nouveaux genres de plantes receuillies dans le voyage autour du monde, sous les ordres du Capitaine Freycinet’ (Ann. Sci. Nat. 3, 1824, p. 507-510).
C. Gaudichaud: ‘Botanique du voyage etc. de L’ Uranie et La Physicienne’ (Paris 1826-30, 1 vol. + atlas). Herein several descriptions of the vegetation, cf. Chapt. 8 and 9.
cf. also Decaisne: ‘Herbarii Timor. descriptio’ (1835).
Folio MS. of Ch. Gaudichaud: ‘Voyage autour du Monde. Journal de Botanique et notes remises à M. de Freycinet’ (in Arch. Herb. (Phanérog.) Paris). It includes several plant lists; from the Malaysian region: ‘Liste des plantes recoltées a Timor (Coupang)’ (26 nos + seeds); ‘Ditto à Bitoca, ile d'Ombay (= ? Paitoko on P. Alor) (20 nos + seeds); ‘Ditto à Diely, ile de Timor’ (33 nos + seeds); ‘Ditto à Pisang’ (32 nos + seeds); ‘Ditto aux iles de Rawak et Waigeou’ (160 nos + seeds).
(5) cf. Lasègue, Mus. Bot. Deless., 1845, p. 83. C. Gaudichaud: ‘Botanique du voyage etc. de La Bonite’ (Paris 1844-66, 4 vols + atlas (1841-52)). This work consists of: 1 vol. vascular and cellular cryptogams (by Montagne, Léveillé, Spring) (not issued till 1846), 2 vols Introduction (1851) and 1 vol. Explication et description d. pl. d’Atlas (1866).
M. de Mirbel: ‘Rapport sur la partie botanique’ (in de la Salle: ‘Relation du voyage de La Bonite’ 1, 1845, p. 452-459).
I.M. Johnston: ‘Publication-dates of Gaudichaud’s botany of the voyage of the Bonite’ (Journ. Arn. Arbor. 25, 1944, p. 481-487). Other papers on this subject in Journ. Bot. 39, 1901, p. 206, and in Ann. Mag. Nat Hist. ser. 7, no 7, 1901, p. 391.
B.C. Stone: ‘Gaudichaud’s species of Pandanus in the atlas of the botany of the voyage of ‘La Bonite’’ (Mal. Sc. 5, 1970, p. 14-19, pl. 22).
‘Liste des travaux’ (Arch. d. Botanique, nov. 1833, 4 pp.); E. Pascallet: ‘Notice biographique’ (Rev. gén. biogr., polit. et litt. d’avril 1844,31 pp., incl. bibliogr.); Proc. Linn. Soc. 2, 1854, p. 320-321; Arch. Médic. Naval. 13, 1870, p. 31-54; Pritzel, Thes. Lit. Bot., 1872 (year of death erroneously 1864); Nouv. Biogr. Génér. 19,1877; Bretschneider, Hist. Bot. Disc. China, 1898, p. 307; Maiden in Journ. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W. 43, 1910, p. 139; Burkill in Gard. Bull. Str. Settlem. 4, 1927, nos 4-5 (year of death erroneously 1844); Backer, Verkl. Woordenb., 1936; Adansonia sér. 2, 11, 1971, p. 405-424 + portr. (new data on life and work).
J. Leandri. 1971. Botanique et Marine a Voile: Charles Gaudichaud (1789-1854) et le Muséum.
Adansonia, ser. 2, 11: 405—424.