Scientific Notes of Gaudichaud BeaupréBack to Gallery

10th Relache, (At the Port).
Ile Rawak. (Papuas islands, New Guinea, Molucas).
Sheet 2.
Arrival at Rawak (Pulau Lawak, northern Waigeo, West New Guinea, Indonesia) - Via Amboina, Strait Manipa, Halmahera Sea, Strait of Jailolo and Strait of L´Uranie, 16 December 1818.
Departure Rawak, the Ecuator is on the road, 6 January 1819.
Continuing for 12 days at the islands of the Admiralty, before changing the course towards the Carolinas, 25 february 1819.
Arrival at Umatac, island of Guam, 17 March 1819.
Transfer from Umatac to St. Louis and in the evening to Agana, 4 April 1819.