Botanical Ink Wash Drawings, Jacques AragoBack to Gallery

Jacques Victor Etienne Arago. (Jacques Arago).
(Estagel 1790-Brasil 1855).
Travel around the world 1817-1821, La Uranie-La Physicienne.
# ¿?. Unidentified.
Signed & dated 1819. Js. Arago, fecit 1819./…..Fecit : (he made it).
Guham 1819./
Approuvé par les MMrs les naturalistes. (Approved by the Messrs. naturalists).
Ink wash drawing.
32. 01 x 24. 04 centimeters.
12, 06 x 9, 05 inches.
This ink wash drawing coincides with all the Gaudichaud Beaupré explanations of the species # 35, NERVILEA ARAGOANA, page 422 # 1 of the book: “Livre II Botanique herbiers, Voyage de L´Uranie” this plant is dedicated to Jacques Arago. (ARAGOANA)
Espèce consacrée a M. Jacques Arago, dessinateur de l´expédition.
Detail of the inscription Aprouvé par MMrs. les naturalistes. (Approved by the Messrs. naturalists).