Botanical Ink Wash Drawings, Jacques AragoBack to Gallery

Botanical Ink Wash Drawings, Jacques Arago

Jacques Victor Etienne Arago. (Jacques Arago).
(Estagel 1790-Brasil 1855).

Travel around the world 1817-1821, La Uranie-La Physicienne.

# 108 Identified as SALICORNIA.?


Signed & dated 1818. Js. Arago, fecit 1818./…..Fecit : (he made it).

Histoire Naturelle.
Timor/Marais de Babao, 1818./
Approuve par mmrs les Naturalistes.

Ink wash drawing.

37,50 x 28,50 centimeters.
14, 06 x 11,01 inches.
