Botanical Ink Wash Drawings, Jacques AragoBack to Gallery

Botanical Ink Wash Drawings, Jacques Arago

Jacques Victor Etienne Arago. (Jacques Arago).
(Estagel 1790-Brasil 1855).

Travel around the world 1817-1821, La Uranie-La Physicienne.

# 26 ?. Unidentified.


Signed. Js. Arago, fecit./…...Fecit : (he made it).

Rawak. (Indonesia).
Histoire naturelle.
Approuvé par les MMrs les naturalistes. (Approved by the Messrs. naturalists).

This ink wash drawing coincides with all the Gaudichaud Beaupré explanations of the species # 33 BLETIA ANGUSTATA, page 423 # 1 of the book: “Livre II Botanique herbiers, Voyage de L´Uranie”.

Ink wash drawing.

29, 50 x 37, 08 centimeters.
11, 06 x 14. 06 inches.

